
Showing posts with the label Gateway Timeout

How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error?

It is an HTTP status code which means that a server won’t get a response on time from a different server. A “504 Gateway Timeout Error” means that web server that is attempting to load a page didn’t get a response from another server from where it needs information. It is known as 504 error. The reason behind the name is that HTTP status code that web uses to explain that sort of error. There can be many reasons behind that particular error. In simple words, 504 takes place when a different computer, the one that the site you are getting the 504 messages on, doesn’t control but relies upon, isn’t communicating with it. If you see Fixing 504 Errors on Site, then try to fix it on your own. How will you know if the Error is 504? Individual websites can personalise how can they show errors of gateway timeout, you will see any of them: ·          Gateway Timeout Error ·          Gateway Timeout 504 ·          504 Gateway Timeout ·          HTTP Error 504- Gateway Time