Top 2 MacOS Dock Alternatives

Using the system with lot many application is always enjoyable. In this blog, I am going to mention some of the best applications that can be used as an alternative for Apples’ in-built dock.

Deleting The Default Dock
If the system user wants to alter the dock with any other application, then it’s better to delete the default dock so that it doesn’t come in between and create complication. Though, it can’t be deleted completely. So instead of deactivating it, the user can put it on autohide delay approximately for more than 700 to 800 seconds. As a result, it doesn’t create complication while using the other alternative application. To do that, use the given below command on the terminal-
  • ‘defaults write autohide-delay -float 1000; killall Dock’
To receive uniform dock function again, use the given below command to get back the default settings-
  • ‘defaults delete autohide-delay; killall Dock’
It will take approximately 15 minutes for your dock to start. If by chance, the user wants the default dock to be seen one more time, they can always put this combination-
  • Option+Command+D to start it by themselves.
After the user is aware of the method of dealing with an in-built dock so finally it’s the time for using the other application that can be used instead of it.
Here are the leading applications that can be used instead of macOS Dock.
1. TabLauncher
Tab launcher always comes first for covering most of the things into a functional dock. This app is generally used rather than the default dock because it works faster than it. And it differentiates icons with the help of some tabs. It is worth noting that the earlier old theme seems a bit weird on the new version of macOS, so modifying it to the usual theme with light shade colours will make a great combination.
2. ActiveDock ActiveDock is a bit similar like the Windows taskbar, having a ‘Start Menu’ that is in comparison much better. This application is much better than TabLauncher, having a good rate of similarity to the default dock. Although, it is a bit slow when it comes to working. The user can manage their applications into files that show with the application icons, and the user can manage their custom icons for each of their applications. This seems good than TabLauncher’s management and supports to fit lot many applications into a less area.

Edward Lewis is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at


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